Praise Dance Ministry


Praising the Lord through dance is emphasized in Psalms 149:3. It is an expression of our love for Him with our entire being, as stated in Mark 12:30.

Dance is a way to make His praise glorious, as seen in Exodus 15:20. It allows us to rejoice and invite God's presence, as mentioned in Psalm 150:4. Dance also serves as a means to convey joy and victory, as exemplified in II Samuel 6:14. Moreover, it is a voluntary offering of ourselves to the Lord, as stated in Romans 12:1.

Our mission is to showcase the magnificence, power, splendor, and wonder of the Scriptures through movement. By doing so, we aim to strengthen believers in their relationship with the Lord and draw non-believers closer to Him. We begin by nurturing our own love for God and for one another.

Through dance and all our endeavors, we strive to glorify God. Our ministry is dedicated to teaching, inspiring, and encouraging others to worship God through dance. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we move to deepen our connection with God through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and discipleship. We foster loving relationships within our community. Our purpose is not to entertain, but to minister. We interpret songs through dance to share God's good news. We believe everyone needs encouragement, so we reach out to those spiritually in need, introducing them to the possibilities of faith and a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. As praise dancers, we commit to offering our bodies as living sacrifices, creating an atmosphere of worship that glorifies God. Our goal is to magnify the Lord's name through dance.




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