Sons of Issachar


Sons of Issachar is a men’s ministry with the mission of bring men into an intimate relationship with Christ through Bible study, prayer, ministry, fellowship, and accountability. Sons of Issachar seeks to become a supportive environment that touches the lives of the entire church family, while promote mentoring opportunities that lead to significant vital relationships.


The most difficult aspect of any Bible teaching is the practical application of biblical truths to our lives. At Ignite weekly, we help men bridge the gap between information and an intimate walk with Jesus Christ through teaching, testimonies, and fellowship.

Prayer Meeting

Weekly Prayer Meeting with the goal praying for the purposes of edification, deeper relationship with Christ and the continues guidance form the Holy Spirit. And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint – Luke 18:1

Men’s Conference

An annual weekend of teaching, fellowship, and encouragement with the purpose of meaning the men, encouraging the, empowering them to lives up to kingdom expectations As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another – Proverbs 27:17




catholic church

Vision: To provide an avenue of self-sufficiency for those experiencing, or in danger of, chronic homelessness and/or hunger ECI Grace Unlimited Ministry Mission Statement...

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ministry sermon

Ablaze Youth Ministry's mission is to help young people embrace Christ, discipleship, evangelization, and leadership, and to engage them in both the Christian and larger communities...

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bulletin programs

The purpose of the Outreach Ministry is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet; through personal witnessing, and the sharing the Word of God...

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